Munay Ki Journey starts on 9 June 2020

This will be the first sharing of the Munay Ki Rites on line. After attending and hosting online events over the past few weeks I know that the experience of those of you joining this online journey will be as profound as those who have sat beside the river on this journey.

My experience of the Munay Ki Rites is of spiritual awakening and a deepening of connection to Source. The Rites, together with the Harmony Rite meditations, take one on a journey of cleansing, self-exploration as to how one perceives the world, invoking change where required and opening the pathway of empowerment to know that one can change the manner in which one experiences life.

The rites are energetic seeds that are planted at spirit level in your luminous energy field (aura). The seeds grow by connecting with fire (a candle flame will do) and meditating on the ‘seeds’ planted in the luminous energy field during the gifting of the rite.

At Inner Peace Healing the Munay Ki Rites are shared over time instead of in a weekend workshop. This gives you time to germinate the seed of each rite and to absorb the unique gift that each rite offers.

During the Munay Ki Rites Journey you will learn about creating Sacred Space and the Four Directions, the Luminous Energy Field, creating an alter, the four Elements and other topics relating to shamanism.

Sessions on Tuesday mornings 9.45 for 10.00 start. They will be 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the rite shared and feedback from the group. The first session is longer as two rites are shared.

The Journey will start on 8 June 2020 for 8 sessions meeting every fortnight. Dates are 9 June, 23 June, 7 July, 21 July, 4 August, 18 August, 1 September, 15 September 2020. Please attend all 8 sessions.

If you miss a session we will make a plan for you to receive the relevant rite during that week. You’ll be sent a recording of the topic on Shamanism and of the Archetype Meditation.

Read more about the Munay Ki Rites