Letting the wind blow in trust

As I sit listening to the constant sound of the wind blowing the words of the song, ‘The Power of Now’ by Alexia Chellun, comes to mind 

Let the water wash away your tears
Let the fire burn away your fears
Let the wind blow into your life such faith and trust
Let the earth hold you, take care of you and nurture you.

When the wind is blowing like this – the Air element is making its presence known. The Air Element is about communication – from creating the sound of your words as air passes over your vocal cords to the airwaves that support electronic communication. Air is associated with our mental state of being and intellect. When thoughts become too busy we feel like we’ve been caught up in the stormy gale of the Cape Doctor.

My best is when the wind drops so that I can hear the silence and feel the stillness. Tune into the air element within. Slowing down your breath. Allowing yourself to feel your breath, letting the mind quieten. So the wind may blow into your life faith and trust.

Happenings at Inner Peace Healing

You’re invited to join the next Shamanic Family Constellation Journey starting on Tuesday 4 February. It will be the third such journey and I’m feeling excited about it. I love witnessing the transformation that happens over the weeks as the magic of the Constellations work their way into the participant’s lives. It is an invitation to step out of the busyness of your life and to experience stillness and clarity. On the journey, you will have a chance to be constellated and to represent in the group constellations. 

Between the constellations we sit in circle, meditating, going on healing shamanic drum journeys and participating in Constellation Exercises. This journey’s theme is “Following the Heart’s desire.” What is it that your heart and soul is longing for? Is there something blocking your connection to it? What support do you need to follow it? Giving yourself space to find faith and trust to follow the heart’s desires.

with love
