Family Constellation Group Workshops

Family Constellation Group Workshops

What is Group Constellation?

A Group Family Constellation workshop gives you the opportunity to experience (what I consider) the magic of Family Constellations first-hand. To step into the “Knowing Field” which links us all through space and time.

In a Group Constellation Workshop, a group of people (who may be unknown to know each other) gather together with a facilitator.  From this group, someone will come with an issue that requires healing.  They are known as the seeker or client being constellated

The Representatives stand in for the family members of the person being constellated. The representatives do not need to know the people they represent – in fact, the less they know the better. (Your family members do not need to be present at the workshop.)

Often it happens that you may end up representing a role that you relate to or is relevant in your family or life.  Sometimes the representation could be mirroring your family system. Or you may get to experience the situation from the other point of view – giving you a deeper understanding and empathy for a situation. Or you may get to represent an aspect of Nature, or a part of someone (an inner part).  Representing can provide a movement towards healing.

Simply sitting in circle holding space and witnessing the constellation unfold is powerful too.

Constellation Circle Workshop

The Constellation Circle is a 4-hour workshop. We start by sitting in circle and connecting to the theme of the day with a meditation.

This is followed by Constellation Exercises (a mini snapshot constellation) in groups of 2 or 3 people.  These structured constellations are built around the issue or theme of the day. They allow all attending to work with the theme from their own perspective – to help them see and acknowledge what is needed for their healing.

After the Constellation Exercise, there are group constellations. Typically working with the theme or what arose out of the workshop. Who the issue holders are for the group constellations is decided on the day – usually as an outcome of the constellation exercises.  It is also possible to pre-book a group constellation should you want to be certain of having a constellation on the day.

Shamanic Constellation Journey

A healing journey of honouring your ancestors, releasing entanglements to find flow in your life, finding your place in your family and acknowledging the gifts you’ve received for being part of your family.

Woven between the Group Family Constellations will be Healing Drum Journeys, Meditations and Constellation Exercises.

As we sit in circle a deep trust is built.  This creates a space of safety to explore what has been hidden and to slowly release the entanglements.  During the 3 sessions, everyone will have a chance to be constellated and to represent.

Each Journey has a different theme.  We examine that theme during the meditations and constellation exercises.

This healing journey draws on Shamanic Constellations, African Constellations, Spiritual Constellations and my work as a Shamanic Practitioner.

The Shamanic Constellation Journey consists of 3 workshops – meeting every 2 – 3 weeks.

Family Constellations Styles

Over the years various styles of Family Constellations have developed. Bert Hellinger’s early work was more controlled where the representatives were told where to stand and what to say. In the earlier style of Classical Constellations – after the initial set-up by the client (the client shows the representatives where to stand), the representatives can only move when instructed by the facilitator (to a place of their choosing or where the facilitator suggests). The facilitator asks the reps what they are feeling and gives them healing sentences to speak out loud.

Movement of Soul Constellations is a style that allows for more freedom of movement for the representatives. They can move slowly to where they are pulled in the field. Guided by the facilitator, the representatives can speak more freely about what is arising for them. Here we work with what is being experienced at Soul level.

Movement of Spirit or new constellations is a far more silent process. Instead of the representatives speaking the healing sentences the client, the one being constellated, speaks them. The representatives move as they feel shifts in the field.

Irrespective of the style of facilitation – the one being constellated – is of utmost importance. Care is taken that the client is not re-traumatised should sensitive events unfold. So too is the care taken of Representatives.

To deeply understand Family Constellations I have qualified as a Facilitator with 3 different trainers who each worked in one of the styles. I attend Constellation Intensives to keep up to date and deepen my experience in facilitating. Depending on what is presented for the constellation I use the constellation style that is most suited to the client and the issue.

Should you prefer to work privately I offer one-on-one Family Constellations.

To be kept informed about the next Group Family Constellation workshop please sign up to and select Family Constellations.

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