The Art of Helping – A Constellation Journey
“Helping is an art. As with any other art, there are skills to be learnt and practised. ” Bert Hellinger
Underpinning Family Constellations are the Orders of Love. For love (and healing) to flow these orders need to be respected in the family system. Bert Hellinger also spoke of the Orders of Helping which need to respect in the relationship between client and helper/facilitator/healer.
These Order of Helping apply to those working in the Helping Professions – Constellation Facilitators, Healers, Coaches, Kinesiologists, psychologists, Doctors, Teachers and more are all part of the helping profession.
Those of us in the helping professions need to be familiar with the Orders of Helping – for the best possible outcomes for our clients and to prevent burnout in ourselves. We also need to be in touch with our own parents and ancestors, our fate and personal guilt and our mortality.
In this series of 3 workshops, we will be exploring these aspects of helping, and how they relate to you and your clients.
This Constellation Journey – The Art of Helping is a combination of Constellation Exercises and Group Constellations.
The audience for this Constellation Journey is Systemic Facilitators/Constelators and anyone in the helping profession who is familiar with systemic constellation work.
7 Feb, 21 Feb and 7 March 9.30 – 1.30 in Hout Bay.
The cost is R900. Multiple payments can be arranged.
Venue: Inner Peace Healing, 20 Skaife street, Hout Bay.
Join the Constellation Journey – the registration link in on the first event (7 Feb) of this journey