Munay Ki Journey of Transformation

The Munay Ki Journey of Transformation

Munay Ki Journey of Transformation

This Munay Ki Journey is not just about receiving the 9 Munay Rites and the Rite of the Womb, it is also about journeying to meet your inner nature, to meet your soul and your heart’s deepest desires.

In each session, you will receive a Munay Ki Rite. A Rite is a transmission of energy planting energetic seeds filled with the potential related to the specific rite.  During the fortnight, with fire (a candle flame with do), meditation and intention you nurture the rite’s seeds into germination. This opens the portal to the possibility of change in your life.  As Alberto Villioldo says “the Munay Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into existence”,

Aspects of shamanism, especially those related to the cosmology of the Q’ero people of Peru, will be shared to deepen your journey.  These include creating Sacred Space, the four directions and the elements of air, water, earth and fire.

You will learn about the Luminous Energy Field (our aura) and how to sense it. After receiving the Harmony Rite (in the second session) we start working with the chakras.  Each fortnight working with another chakra. Clearing out psychic sludge and building a connection to the archetype related to the chakra.  These archetypes become allies and support for you on your journey.

There are 9 sessions in total. We meet online every fortnight for 2 and half hours.  Between the sessions, you need to commit to a daily practice of meditation as you work with each chakra and its related archetype, and grow the seeds of the rite.

This is an online journey.  I have been sharing these rites since 2012, online for the past 3 years so know with certainty that the power of receiving the rites in this manner is as powerful as receiving them in person.

You can read more about the rites and the journey here.

Embark on the Munay Ki Journey of Transformation

The cost of the Journey’s 9 sessions is R2800 or US$200 if using Paypal.  A deposit is needed to secure your place.  Payment plans are available should you need to spread payments.

Re-ignite the Munay Ki Rites

Those who have received the Munay Ki Rites are welcome to join the journey again.  You will be sharing rites with others that have received the rites.   R1400 or US$100.


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